KMEA Clinic Proposals

Clinic Guidelines

Clinic proposals for the next In-Service Workshop may be submitted up through October 1. The form is usually opened in mid-May.

You may propose a session you have developed or suggest a clinician whom you have observed and deem appropriate for the workshop.

KMEA will not provide remuneration or reimbursement for clinicians who present at the KMEA ISW unless the invitation to present is initiated by KMEA.

KMEA will not provide remuneration or reimbursement for Kansas music educators who present clinics at the ISW.

Clinicians who are presenting on their own (ie, not specifically invited by KMEA) will register for the In-Service Workshop at which they are presenting.

Clinicians will be offered an optional opportunity to include their bio, photo, and clinic hand-out materials on the KMEA website prior to the ISW.

Questions about clinics or clinic proposals should be directed to the KMEA President.

Technical questions about using this website should be directed to the KMEA Webmaster.

Questions about clinic equipment should be directed to the KMEA Local Arrangements Manager.