ISW Registration
Tri-M ISW Registration
Registration is due by Feb. 22, 2025.

Advisor & School Info
Advisor Name
Advisor NAfME ID#
Email Address
Cell Phone
Chapter Number
Chapter School
If your school is not included in the pulldown please contact the Tri-M state chair.
What sharing activity will your chapter bring?
Short skit
Brief presentation by students
Presentation by sponsor
School Street Address
Zip Code
Advisor Verification

(provided by Tri-M state chair)
Each school is permitted to register up to a total of four sponsors other than the advisor. DO NOT INCLUDE THE CHAPTER ADVISOR IN THIS BOX.
Sponsor 1
Sponsor 2
Sponsor 3
Sponsor 4
Please enter your students' names in the boxes below. Use standard text formatting. Do not use ALLCAPS. Do not use all lowercase. Example: Jane Smith
Check the button below to confirm that your entry is complete.